
New Feature: Send "Successful Refund" Email Notifications To Payers

successful refund notification for MoonClerk recurring payments hero image

We’ve just added a new email notification to payers – a “Successful Refund” notification. This notification goes out to your payers when you successfully refund a payment – whether it is a partial refund or a full refund.

By default, we turn this email notification “On” in the Notifications section of your MoonClerk dashboard. However, you can turn it “Off” if you’d like. As with all of the emails in our Notifications section, you can also customize its text using dynamic data from the checkout and the refund itself.

Here is what the default notification will look like and say (with dummy data):

We hope you and your payers will find this new feature helpful. Send us an email at [email protected] if you have any questions about it.


Photo Credit: Got Credit

