
New Feature: Pause Recurring Plans Temporarily Or Indefinitely

Pause icon banner

We’ve just launched the ability for you to pause recurring plans, both temporarily for and indefinitely.

While we’ve always had the ability to cancel and restart recurring plans (without requiring your payers to enter their card details again as well as move the date that a recurring plan is being charged to a date in the future, this new feature makes both of those easier.

If you’d like to pause a recurring plan, you can simply click on the plan in your MoonClerk dashboard and then click the “Pause Plan” button. You’ll have the option to pause the recurring plan indefinitely or to pause it for a set number of recurring periods. If you pause the plan indefinitely, you can always go back into MoonClerk and resume the plan indefinitely. If you pause the plan temporarily, we’ll make sure to automatically resume the plan after the pre-determined number of paused periods have passed.

To learn more, read all of our Help docs regarding pausing plans.

We hope this new feature will be useful for you. Please let us know if you have any questions.
